Endless Orchard

A game about managing an endlessly expanding orchard.



  • Move with WASD
  • Grab/Drop tools with Shift or Right Mouse Button
  • Use tools with Space or Left Mouse Button


  • Move with left stick
  • Grab/Drop tools with bottom face button (Xbox A)
  • Use tools with left face button (Xbox X)


Developed over 4 days for the GMTK Game Jame 2024.

The theme of this jam was "Built to Scale". We took inspiration from games like Mini Metro where the space that you need to manage is endlessly scaling up until the size of the task becomes too great to continue, and made this game about looking after trees and bushes in an endlessly expanding space.

Admittedly the "built" part didn't factor much into this idea, but our lil' robot guy has been built for this task so I guess it works ðŸ˜…



Core team:

  • Charlie Wilson (Violent Quiche)  - Code/implementation
  • Elizabeth Kracik-Dyer (Lizard) - Art

With game design support from:

  • Oliver Carr
  • Ben Smith

Resources requiring attribution


  • Menu Music: Nature spirits (Almusic34)

SFX From freesound.org:

  • ENGINE~1.WAV by MarlonHJ
  • Pops by SunnySideSound
  • Pianist build by vartioh
  • Garden Shears.wav byy Rouliane
  • EXPLDsgn_Powerful Explosion 2.1_EM_(28lrs).wav by newlocknew


endlessorchard.exe 66 MB

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